Julie started the October meeting with the announcement of Janet A. memorial at the University Club, in Winter Park, on October 26th at 10 a.m.
We had 2 new members who introduced themselves: Pat and Susie. Welcome! 😃
Sharon S. says she has 6 boxes of supplies, from Nancy, to give away. She brought some to the meeting. There were 16 x 20, 18 x 24 plastic sleeves, a plein air easel, and more. Thank you Sharon!
Mary Kathryn displayed a great selection of old and some new books from our extensive library.
Susan announced the Janet Rogers workshop was filing up.
Day 1 – is painting and drawing exercises. Day 2 – we’ll have a beautiful ballerina model !

Registration is open on our website. A few spots are left so act quickly, as the early bird deadline for members is Oct. 14.
Save A Date: For February 27, 28, and March 1, 2025. CFWS will have a workshop by our juror Cheryl Fausel at a site to be determined. Early bird for members is $325, before Jan. 27, 2025. After Jan. 27 members $350 and non-members $425. Check back for more info.
Guidelines for the science center show are being finalized. JPEG submittal will be Feb 2 – Feb. 22, 2025.
Susie likes to use recycled papers with former paintings on them. Scrubbed off, she will use then over and over again. Her preferred paper is 140# Strathmore Gemini, which is not made anymore. Gemini is thicker than Arches and takes scrubbing well. She likes to work on 3 paintings at a time.

gouache were added the painting became stunning.

Susie likes to “paint with your gut”.

There are only 3 watercolor society in USA that are transparent. So, most will accept collage work.
She starts with a drawing first.
Tip: don’t paint on both sides of a paper, because when someone buys the painting they think it’s not worth it.

Negative space is more important than your subject/painting.
Repeat shapes and colors throughout the painting.

Thank you for the great demonstration and sharing so many valuable tips, Susie Schreiber!
Join us next mont on November 3 – we will have a ZOOM membership meeting with a watercolor demonstration by Canadian artist David Mceown This meeting will be held on line, via Zoom, and a link will be sent ahead of time through email.
Click on the link to see David’s artwork: