“The Not So Secret Life of Plants” will exhibit at the Orlando Science Center during July/August of 2025 (our summer show.)
CFWS Membership only: Current CFWS membership is required.
Email your entries to Jane Brinckerhoff (see directory.)
• Submitted images must have a resolution of 72 dpi with the longest side 1800 pixels;
• There is no fee for this show. Limit 2 paintings per artist.
Submission window is February 3 – February 28, 2025. (deadline has been extended.)
Please include the following in your submission email:
TITLE OF PAINTING: Save As or Rename your photo as follows: LastName_FirstName_Title of Painting (With spaces) Example : Doe_John _ ‘title’.jpg. (The file format must be jpg.)
NAME OF ARTIST: ie. Bob Smith
MEDIUM: Watercolor, gouache, mix media, etc. on paper, canvas, yupo, etc.
FRAMED SIZE: Measure overall size.
PRICE: Number only ie. 500. If the painting is Not For Sale, put NFS. The science center will require an estimated value for their insurance records, please include that amount ie: NFS 500
ARTIST STATEMENT: Your thoughts on how your work relates to the theme. 150 words max.
Also include in this email:
• Permission/Denial to use your image for marketing purposes
A label will appear next to your painting and will include:
• Painting Title;
• Artist Name;
• Artist Statement;
• Price
• QR code that opens an email to the show curator to express interest in purchase. It will forward to you.
Drop off Dates and Pick up Dates are pending. We are waiting for further information from our new contact at the Science Center. You will be provided adequate time for framing. Strict CFWS Show Framing Requirements recommended but not enforced.
Thank you, in advance, for your participation in this exhibit!
Jane Brinckerhoff and Teresa Chin