The CFWS season starts in September and ends with the May membership meeting.
Annual Dues: $50 per season, renews payable May 1st through July 31st.  Lifetime Membership is $500 one time fee.
New members are welcome throughout the year.  Anyone joining after April 1st will have their membership extended through the next season.

Registering is a two step process. STEP 1: Complete the online registration form below and submit to our Membership Chair.
STEP 2: After submitting the form, pay your dues using a credit card, PayPal or mail a check.

Step 1. Enter required form information and submit to our Membership Chair

New Membership Registration

Annual Dues are $50 per season. Complete all the required fields before submitting.

Step 2. Pay your fees online using PayPal or send a check in the mail.


Prefer to mail a check? Make check payable to Central Florida Watercolor Society and mail to: Central Florida Watercolor Society, P.O. Box 941512, Maitland, FL 32794-1512. Expect an welcome email from ‘Membership’ to confirm your registration. Contact Membership if you are not able to make your payment with PayPal.