CFWS members watch the zoom demo

We had 59 members join David Smith via Zoom to watch a fascinating and fun demonstration on painting waves and mist in a pine forest.  David likes to paint happy trees, like Bob Ross, one of his favorite artists. He even has a Bob Ross cutout in his studio!   He painted on an 11 x 15 sheet of cold press, Arches #140 paper, but he also likes Fabriano which is more sensitive. The paper is on an angled tripod that can swivel. After taping down the paper he works wet into wet .

ball joint in the tripod

David likes to work wet into wet. Using a large flat brush, he wet the top half of the page,  brushed in the Sky with Indigo and Payne’s Grey.

David using a big brush to wet the sky area.

The troughs of water drawn at bottom.

Pointed brushes for building waves.

Faux Squirrel 1827 liner Aux Reservoir brush

One of the brushes used was a #12 Faux Squirrel round and another was a Faux Squirrel 1827 liner Aux Reservoir to build up the waves.  First draw the troughs and waves, then add cream consistency into the light areas  and build up the waves. Spatter with water so the pigment follows the water and pulls the color up the paper, create texture.

Build up waves by flowing in dark color with liner brush.

Add tree trunks, with a liner, then use a sponge to add leaves. Use a thirsty brush to pull the paint out for a misty effect. Don’t make all the trees the same size or distance apart.

Use a thirsty brush to pull out color for a misty effect. At the end add some birds and you are done!

Final painting with birds on the right.

Thank you David for a great demonstration! Several of our members recommended his fun workshops! Click on the link for more info: