There were 4 CFWS Plein Air artists at the Tibet-Butler Preserve on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021.  They had a very nice day painting at Tibet Butler,  even though it was very humid.

Ann, Leslie and Jane relax and paint.

There were 4 painters:
Jane B.
Ann W.
Leslie R.
And Marcela M.

The artists enjoyed sitting in rocking chairs on the porch and painting together! Everyone had a good painting!

Jane B. did a lovely landscape.

Bees and blue flowers by Leslie R.

Ann W. did a little white house in the landscape.

Marcela M. did a sketch of the landscape and Darwin the African tortoise!

They even got to see  Darwin, the African tortoise! A huge tortoise that has been there since it was very young, donated by someone who couldn’t take care of it when it became very large.

Darwin the tortoise

What fun! Beautiful paintings and a chance to relax, socialize and do some art… what could be better!

Join us next month for plein air at:

November 20, 2021, Saturday 10 am – 3 pm
Mead Botanical Gardens: 1300 S Denning Dr, Winter Park, 32789

December 15, 2021, Wednesday 10 am – 2pm (closing time)    Nehrling Gardens: $5.00 donation is appreciated, this is a volunteer organization. Please enter through the pedestrian entrance. Please park across the street in the church parking lot or the open field next door. 2267 Hempel Ave, Gotha 34734