Janet Rogers is an award winning watercolorist known for her expressive portrait and figure paintings. She has taught workshops throughout the U.S. Janet has performed demos for our membership in the past.

November 14 & 15, 2024   –  9:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m. at the Seminole Library.
November 14 – TV/Camera set up. Possibly paint from photographs.
November 15  – Possible live dancer/model.

A maximum of 15 registrations will be taken. If filled, a waiting list will be available.

Registration dates and link to registration form…

Workshop Cost:

• $225.00 for early registration by CFWS members, $250 for CFWS members after early cutoff date.

• $300.00 for non-members

Participants will not be able to leave workshop supplies overnight. 
The room must empty by 4:30 for the next group that booked the room.
There is no refrigerator. Light snacks and water will be available.