We had 37 members watching our ZOOM meeting!
Julie started the meeting with welcoming some new folks: Laurie L., Dorothy B., Pat, Beth P., Laurel H.
Julie says an email will be sent to the members who signed up for the Daniel Smith demo at Sam Flax by Scott Stevenson (brand ambassador).
Send any news you have to share to Lois for the Newsletter. It will be sent on the 10th.
Mary Ellen says everything is great for the members show and we have 19 entries so far. Deadline to enter is Jan. 15. Jane B. will send a confirmation in an email when your submission is received, let her know if it doesn’t show up.
Cheryl Fausel – workshop info and registration on the website. Sandi reminds students to bring a lunch.
SSAA has a show at the Maitland Library and three of our members David W., Roberta L. and Susan G.M. are in this show.
The Jean Francois Arnaud demonstration on drawing and painting: He tends to be a plein air painter. His technique was developed in the studio but can be done outside. He shows us a scale from 0 -100% and explains he does the Lights from 0-30%, Shadows from 40 – 70% and Details from 80-100%.

He works will with a limited palette. Royal Blue (Sennelier), Cadmium Yellow (Winsor Newton), Cadmium Red (W/N), Indigo Blue (S) is his black, and with these colors he can paint almost anything.

Bright Yellow Green (Sennelier), Quinacridone Sienna (Daniel Smith, Full of light good for the medieval roofs in France).
Cobalt Green (W/N) which works with Cobalt Turquoise Light (W/N) and Cobalt Blue (W/N), Phthalo Blue red shade (DS). Natural Tint (S), and White Gouache extra fine by Lafrance Bourgeois. Bright Yellow Green (Sennelier), Quinacridone Sienna (Daniel Smith, Full of light good for the medieval roofs in France).
Cobalt Green (W/N) which works with Cobalt Turquoise Light (W/N) and Cobalt Blue (W/N), Phthalo Blue red shade (DS). Natural Tint (S), and White Gouache extra fine by Lafrance Bourgeois.

Demonstration of his 3 step technique with a very old car in front of a barn: He draws the scene first. He starts from the center, does 2 cross lines, then the horizon line, then perspective/vanishing point.

1st layer is the light values, 0-30%, done with a big squirrel Escoda brush. Blue sky. Create a grey to paint the truck, green grass. Dry.
2nd layer is the shadows, from 40-70%. The smaller brush is used to mix a darker grey to paint the volumes.
3rd step with dark greys, 80-100%, create shadows for volume, windows and door details. Pure indigo almost dry brush to detail the truck and shadows.

Harbor scene: This was painted on 140# Baohong watercolor paper, cold press. We see lots of blues in the scene. He re-crops the image to make the boat on the left the focal point. Using a thick graphite pencil, starting from the center, he draws the cross on the page, then the horizon line and perspective lines so you can then sketch in the left boat. Continue sketching the boats to the left and then the boast on the right. Add the houses, fence, shrubs, shadows, reflections and small waves.

Step 1 (0-30% values) – Add cobalt green, Royal blue to the palette. Look where whites are to leave them in the painting. First, the big squirrel brush to paint the lights first. Paint Royal Blue in the sky. Drop in a bit of cobalt. Mix green for trees, shrubs in background. Paint a grey wash around the small boats in the background. Use Cobalt Green in the back of the harbor, add a bit of Indigo to it. Add yellow to green for the center and paint around the focal point. Add blues up front while colors are still wet.

A video was made of this demonstration for CFWS members!
Click on the image below to watch. if that doesn’t work, type the following address in your search line https://youtu.be/xDtGroVT6XM
See you all next month for the February 2nd meeting at the Casselberry Library on Oxford road. Our demonstartion will be by Paul Allen Taylor, an accomplished watercolor artist. Paul was raised in the small town of Ontario in upstate New York. Paul’s style displays a loose, refreshing view of nature and the world. He enjoys painting outside, capturing the quiet spaces of harbors and shorelines. Paul is a member of the American Society of Marine Artists, a group dedicated to painting the shore and sea.