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Meeting Recap, October 2019 – Ron Malone demo

In case you missed it   Our first demo of the season was kicked off with Ronald Malone’s “Maximizing Color in Watercolor”.  Ron demonstrated the best way to photograph your portrait subjects (from the side for more interesting shadow shapes… Continue Reading →

Meeting Recap, September 2019

In case you missed it:  Our new season was kicked off with a fun members meeting called “What I Did This Summer”. Pam Merle, one of our new co-presidents, introduced our 2019-2020 calendar. It is going to be an awesome… Continue Reading →

Plein Air recap, June 2019

During the Orlando Science Center Make Fest– a celebration of creators and their creations – the Central Florida Watercolor Societyhad supplies for guests to try their hand at watercolor lessons.  This was a fun outreach event. Cindy Sturla, Janet Asbury,… Continue Reading →

Meeting Recap, May 2019

In case you missed it: May 5, 2019– General Meeting  & Election After we welcomed new members and guests, we had our election of new officers. Our slate of officers was enthusiastically approved by unanimous consent! All were in favor… Continue Reading →

Meeting Recap, April 2019 – Connie Hamilton demo

Ken Austin thanked members for honoring him at the reception. Introducing Diana Eagles– our new, hospitality chair! Diane Darnall – membership chair made an announcement on renewing your CFWS membership. Marcela announced upcoming plein air dates: April 13 – Environmental Garden in… Continue Reading →

20th Anniversary Members Show reception

What a beautiful reception we had last Friday. Thank you Leslie Macaulay, Donna Coulantes and Mary Dall for organizing this special reception. Opening remarks started with a little background of our society which began in 1998. Ken Austin, our founder,… Continue Reading →

Meeting Recap, March 2019 – Michael Holter demo

  Thanks to Michael Holter we all learned about a “Swashbuckler Wash” at our March 3rd demo. He painted a boat silhouetted against a sunrise wash. Using a large brush he mixed up a stew of colors, showing us how… Continue Reading →

Meeting Recap, February 2019 – Roberta Lerman demo

Founding member and longtime artist, Roberta Lerman did a great demo for our group.  Even though she is retired she still has an art class at the Maitland Sr. Center on Wed. afternoons. She designed our original logo egret design with… Continue Reading →

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