On March 21, 2024, at the University Club, Susie gave a very interesting gallery talk about her one woman exhibit there:
Susie has a Master’s in Special Education, and has loved art from a kid. “What you loved as a child is a career path for you” …. She found this to be true.
She took many classes from Nancy Larkin. Nancy says Suzie started with her own style and developed it over the years.

Q & A from the audience:
Her paintings are made with watercolor and ink. The ink is last.
She looks at the values to decide where the ink goes. She takes pictures, transfers them onto the paper.
All painting for sale.
Ink pens she uses are from Japan.
She used #140 lb. Arches cold press for her paintings.
Protects watercolors from UV light, but watercolors hold up great over time.
She paints with a group of artists at the Art House in Casselberry. And with Nancy L., in the Princeton Neighborhood Center, on Tuesdays from 9am – 1 pm.
Feel free to join fellowship of artists and get creative!
Suzie’s one person show continues through the end of April. If you get a chance, drop by! 841 N Park Ave, Winter Park. Open 9:00am – 4:00pm daily, closed Saturday and Sunday.