Julie N. started the in person meeting by welcoming our new members Connie, Natalie, Ann and Kathy

Janet A. announced that Vera G. has a show at the University Club, in Winter Park, called “Interpretations”.

Teresa C. announced that our members online exhibit “SOARING” is posted on our website! Share with your friends and family!

Mary Ellen handed out the dates of our annual 2024 Members show.

Submission: Jan. 1 – 31

JPEGS to Juror: Feb.5

Selections due: Feb. 14

Notifications: Feb. 18

Drop-off for the show: March 18 Time: 12 – 4 PM

Hang the show: March 20 and March 21

Opening: March 22

April Members meeting and judging: April 7, 1:30 – 4 PM

Show Reception and Awards: April 12, 6 – 8 PM

Janet A. asked for members to send her any member news for the newsletter.

Susan G. reminded all to save-the-date for the Anne Abgott workshop in April 8, 9, 10, 2024. More information coming on our website. Susan also has a show in Mt. Dora at the Gate House Gift House and invites everyone to the opening on Sunday!

Mary Kathryn had our library there for members to check out DVD’s and books. She will be back at the January meeting, so remember to check out the library.

Mary D. went through and explained what to expect at the holiday party Dec. 3 at Kingswood Manor. We’ll have an art show, mini paintings, prizes and food!

Marcela invited us to plein air at Mead Gardens on Nov. 18. Meet at the amphitheater😎

Mindy Lighthipe demonstration:

Our watercolor demonstration was by nature/botanical artist Mindy Lighthipe. Botanical illustration uses a formulaic light source for scientific accuracy. Light is always on the upper left at a 45 degree angle. The left side is lighter than the right. She draws in the detail, using a black Prismacolor Col-erase 20048, pencil before using watercolors. This is to work out the surface textures and terrain of your subject and you can paint any subject in 3-D. This Prismacolor pencil doesn’t smear like a graphite pencil, and it can be lifted with a kneaded eraser. 

Her paper is Lanaquarelle watercolor cold press 140#. FYI – Cheap Joe’s had paper packs, if you want to try a few to experiment. Her colors are mostly Daniel Smith watercolors. They reconstitute better than Winsor Newton. She uses a lot of granulating pigments because they do things to help reduce the work. Hematite Genuine is used to mix with other colors. For our demo she used Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Tundra Green and Orange. Her brushes are short and stumpy because she likes to draw the likes chisel brush, by Rosemary & Co., also the eradicator.  To use a chisel brush, you wet the brush, then rub the brush on paper towel to align the bristles.

The initial Fibonacci sequence is worked out.

She starts with working out the Fibonacci pattern in the pineapple. After that she uses tracing paper to do the sections, with the Fibonacci pattern underneath as guide. 

Working flat, she starts wet into wet and paints to ¼” of the edge. Work it into the paper. Tundra Orange is flowed in first, the burnt sienna. Consistency is half and half. She also used Hansa Yellow Light and Perylene Dark Green for the leaves.Instead of using terms like cool and warm, she looks at colors according to their bias… like orange/yellow or green/yellow. She recommends the book by Michael Wilcox, “Blue and Yellow don’t Make Green”.

Brush clean water on the pineapple then flow Tundra Orange up to 1/4 inch of the edge. Add a bit of Burnt Sienna for shadow.
Leaves are painted in Perylene green, back to front.
Close up of the details of each section in the pineapple.
Mindy uses a Repesco 64 Desk Pencil sharpener which is quiet and makes perfect points.

Thank you Mindy for a great and informative demonstration!

Minday teaches Introduction to Scientific Illustration, at the University of Florida, and also offers a variety of online courses.