What a busy and fun meeting we had to end our 2023-2024 season … with the election of our new CFWS board, a Donate table or Swap & Trade table, Cinco de Mayo snacks and the popular “Share and Care”!

First up was our election of new officers... which was steered along by Mary D., (former president). We had a strong list of nominees who were easily voted in unanimously by the members present. Congratulations to our new president Julie N. new vice-president Sandi B. new secretary Lois H. and re-elected treasurer Pam C.

After elections we had several interesting announcements for our artists:
- July is Worldwide Watercolor Month and also coincides with renewing membership time for CFWS. Diane would like to wrap these together for an online member non-juried show. Another way to showcase the beautiful work of our members (must be a renewed member to enter)!
- Tom Jones announced the design of a new field palette. It will have 14 wells, cover and a place for the brush. You can customize it with your favorite colors and will be reasonably priced. He also mentioned a new art paper developed for Jerry’s Artarama called “New York Central”, a bright white, 100% cotton, acid free, watercolor paper at a good price. He advises us to register with Jerry’s Artarama, Dick Blick and Cheap Joes to get notices of sales. Tom always gives us good advice!
- We have another opportunity to show our painting at the Fusion Gallery at the Orlando Science Center. The show is penciled in for August of 2025. Titled “The Not So secret life of Plants” and will encourage all interpretations: botanical abstract realism and more. There are lots of YouTube videos about plants and plant behaviors/relationship. So, as you travel this summer look for inspiration from the plant kingdom.

Look for more details in our Watermark newsletter.
Plein Air – Marcela announced the last event at Kraft Azalea Gardens, in Winter Park. On the shore of Lake Maitland, open from 8 a.m. to dusk and shaded by cypress trees, with a striking architectural feature called The Exedra. We meet at 10 a.m. on May 18.
We had a good number of snacks with a Cinco de Mayo theme! Eating and shopping for new art treasures… what a nice way to spend the afternoon!
We had a lot of art supplies, books and other miscellaneous displayed on the sell and swap table and free with a donation to CFWS table. Our members snapped up the treasures! Most went to new homes!
As we settled in to enjoy our snacks, Joan L. began our annual “Share & Care” activity. We had 7 artists – Roberta, Faye, Sandi, Joan, Susan, Marcela and Terri – share their art. A lot of great tips and suggestions were shared… from adding darks, to turning a painting in a new direction (horizontal to vertical, or vice versa) , to concentrating on composition, adding a wall line or horizon or dirt trail, to more. So many helpful ideas from our room of creative problem solvers.

Thank you to everyone who participated! It was entertaining and enlightening!
Have a good summer and see you in September.